17 December 2011


(Reuters) - Florence, 17 Dec - Around 12 000 people are

taking part in the demonstration in Florence

solidarity 'with the people of Senegal.

The head of the parade (for the police participants are

about 8 000) and 'just arrived in Piazza Santa Maria

News, where you take final action.

The event was' held up to this point

very quiet, without incident. Only a few whistle

by some youth centers, the passage of

politicians: the secretary and the chairman of the Democratic Party

Pierluigi Bersani and Rosy Bindi, the leader of Sel Nichi

Vendola, Governor Henry Smith, Mayor Matthew...... more


12 December 2011

Lowe’s Withdraws Ads From All-American Muslim Show

The Florida Family Association, a Christian group, is claiming that its protests have led to a number of companies pulling their ads from All-American Muslim, a TLC reality-TV show about five Lebanese families in Dearborn, Michigan, that premiered on November 13 and that has been so far well-received. While the national hardware chain Lowe’s has indeed pulled its ads from future episodes of the show after consumer complaints, it is not clear if other companies have pulled their ads for similar reasons. In at least one case, FFA’s claim that a company had pulled its ads has been contradicted by the company itself.

According to FFA, 65 out of 67 companies it targeted have pulled their ads; the companies listed are Bank of America, the Campbell Soup Co., Dell, Estee Lauder, General Motors, Goodyear, Green Mountain Coffee, McDonalds, Sears, and Wal-Mart. However, Home Depot and Sweet ‘N Low both noted (via emails posted on the FFA site) that they had simply only bought one commercial spot, rather than cancelling ads. Amway has indeed “denied” that it had pulled ads from the show and stated that any reports to the contrary are “misleading” and had “falsely named” Amway.... more

11 December 2011

Crowd of Over 50 Teens Overrun Police in Attempt to Assault Victim at Home

It seems that these days bullying stories have sadly become pretty common in the news.

This does not mean we should stop writing about them or that they are less important. On the contrary, the only way we are going to be able to successfully address the issue of bullying is by continuing to highlight the reality that kids face these days.

Take for example a girl in Staten Island who was bullied by not 1 or 2 other students, but a crowd of 50-55 teens who showed up at her door step with guns, blades, and knives to start a fight...... more